img-talent Selfprocaimed Lord of Darkness Incarnate One of the corrupted heroes, a 3rd-year high school student, who has been obsessively captivated by dark fantasy stories since childhood and believes that everything she reads in books is real. She is convinced that, one day, she will be able to summon the true Lord of Darkness and absorb its power. "this sword alone can bring catastrophy upon this filthy world!" Illustrator : Rifuki Live2D : Ragowolf
img-talent Tribe Protector One of the corrupted heroes, Her tribe, though small, boasts the most formidable warriors, each endowed with superhuman abilities. Remarkably, she holds the esteemed title of the mightiest warrior within her tribe, unchallenged by anyone. She is more than willing to swiftly dismantle any intruders without a moment's hesitation. "I give you one last chance to leave!" Illustrator : Bravaxxii Live2D2 : Kuroichigo
img-talent Underworld Keeper One of the corrupted heroes, THEY open the portal to the Livium universe single-handedly, unleashing THEIR overwhelming infernal force and leaving a trail of destruction in THEIR wake, all while harboring grand ambitions of seizing control of the Livium universe. "Someday, I shall shroud this realm in eternal darkness" Illustrator : Ikazu401 Live2D : Saika Furi
img-talent Cursed Puppeteer One of the corrupted heroes, a cursed puppet who has endured for centuries, dependent on her masters as she draws sustenance from their life essence. In return for this grim transaction, she dutifully safeguards her masters' well-being. Yet, hidden within her eternal existence, she yearns to experience life as a normal human. "are you.. my master?" Illustrator : Kansla Live2D : Yuki Morizuki
img-talent Little Spirit Hunter One of the corrupted heroes, An enigmatic spirit hunter who roams the night, casting out malevolent specters. The locals frequently implore her to rid their locales of ghost. But the truth is, she's secretly forging friendships with them. "hello little friends, let's play~" Illustrator : Hikariin Live2D : Peter Parkour